Oct 7, 2022

They All Had A Reason by Michele Leathers


Rating: 4⭐

Sixteen-year-old Charlotte is convinced her life would be perfect if she could only get past her bully: A girl named Bellany Silverfield, who seems to have it all -- beauty, popularity, power and the boy of Charlotte’s dreams. 

But when Bellany is murdered, Charlotte’s life doesn't get any better! 

Charlotte worries that circumstantial evidence and rumors of motive will make her a prime suspect. 

Not only that but she is forced to question the loyalty of her closest friends and to place her trust in a boy she barely knows as she see secrets coming out and attitudes changing. 

But who killed Bellany and why are they trying to frame Charlotte? 

As far you go in this book, more you are convinced that you have an answer but only the true will come in the last pages! 

I understood that this is a serie of 6 books so I already ordered the second to keep this tale ongoing!

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