The author was very sweet in sending me a free copy for that!
This book is very small: 87 pages only and it took me a while to put it in the correct category but finally Fiction is the best to leave as fantasy sound not correct neither dystopia.
This story is based in South Africa where Shaina discover that she have a big mission: Save the world from a massive destruction caused by the Big Hole in Kimberley.
The mission is quite simple: find the stolen stone and put it back where she belong.
The problem? Time is running out and fast and no records are founded regarding that stone, what it look like or who was the original person that found it.
Shaina is really lovely and easy to like: she is a young adult with a dream job, she have determination and an open mind and she is stubborn and that make her a very good hero in this story.
Her determination and courage keep her moving and trying to reach her goal: not only to save the planet but also to let people know about what is happening.
Sadly people try to ignore the warning as always and she need to ask almost as a lunatic but she never lost her cool.
During this 87 pages you can see she try hard and that she find always a way to reach the person she need: the radio, the Premier, CEO of the Mines Company,.... I mean how remember the address of the CEO and go there directly and by herself to explain once more the importance of that stone when visibly no one is paying attention?
Luckily we have side characters that make the link with the MC and the plot can advance without major turn around time!
It was also interesting to see that many side characters have tangled pasts but it was disappointing to not no more about them to better understand how they ended up all in the same circle.
Not to mention that we have a TW very dark even if only mentioned and not described. Glade I don't get made with the lake of information about TW but it's a must that authors need to include.
Sadly I really hated the epilogue and didn't made sense for me bringing a love interest story. I didn't saw why it was there.... Happy ending? I mean after all Shaina endured I was hoping a epilogue after 4 years where she is graduated, at home or on the way and then MAYBE bring her love life to show that it was all coming natural.
The Jones/Shaina love made me think that he don't love at all... he just need someone next to him with something new for his life as he want to repeat what he did with is current wife.
If we stop in the last chapter and don't read the epilogue it will come to the 3.5 / 4 Stars review but epilogues are important if they are there and this one was not as expected.
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