Nov 29, 2021

The Savage Hunt by Christy Sloat


Language: English
Format: eBook
pages: 195
Genre: Fantasy
Rating: 5⭐

Did you ever start a book and start hating a character so badly that you actually got happy with her/his end? Well, this happens to me all the way to this book!

The Savage Hunt is about a court of monsters that will punish a few selected of humans that act worst than the proper monsters (sins that the human justice can't punish correctly). 
With the help of his demon son, a bloodthirsty vampire, a dark witch and two very feral sirens, they will hunt humans who have sinned in the vilest ways. This savage hunt will not only feed them but deliver revenge the humans so desire.
And how they do that without having witnesses you may ask... The answer? Amon is an old demon and smart (and sexy) so he actually made an Hotel. High atop a mountain crest sits the grand Gahana Royal Hotel. The world’s most elite are dying to see what lies beyond its iron gates, yet only a select few earn an invitation.

The first guest is London (aka a bitch!) who think is better than the rest of the world and demand to be treated like royalty. Her end? well.... she's a guest of the Hotel no? ๐Ÿ˜„ And she is only the first of the list as you can imagine!

I feel no sympathy at al with any of the guests....  to be true to you I was always in the Court side! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

This books was so good to read and I'm able to keep talking about the plot for hours!!

All the characters have a story that make total sense for me. I didn't find any loose ends that irritate me. 

The plot line is never broken, you actually can  remember the last time a member of the Court was mentioned or what was is last action without thinking "who are you?" 

I totally recommend this book if you like fantasy and a good revenge or hunting scenes!

A own another 4 books from this author and I will definitely read them next year ๐Ÿ˜‰

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