May 1, 2022

April RECAP + May TBR


Hello my bookworms! 

April was a complicated month and May will be more busy at work. 

I'm entering in that part of the year where work is crazy and that I start checking the hour to see when I can log out and pick up my book to read! 

I want also to share that I start to make 5D painting (you know, the diamantes ones) and that helps a lot to not DNF any kind of book but in revenge I take longer to finish them.... 😅

Ok from April TBR I didn't read 4 books and one of them is in current read still and it's my plan to finish it this month.... I simply got very tired and didn't want to read and go directly to the bed.... and it feels good and correct!

My Goodreads Goal is still very good and I'm almost at 50%: 

I also made an order and got Mangas: 

My May TBR is very simple but have a lot of pages: 

  1. Finishing the serie "The Dark Tower" of Stephen King
  2. Read Blood Summons (ARC)
  3. Read "Family Ties" 
The first point are 7 books and some are massive and it's full of details and a lot but a lot of information so good luck for me! 
The other two are in my TBR as priority since they are free and need reviews ASAP 😊

Hope you April was good (private and professionally) and I'm curious to know about your plans! 

If you have any suggestion of hobbies, recs for books or want someone to read with you or just to talk, go find my in Social Media and speak with me! (I'm shy and forgot to reply in a normal time but I will try my best!) 

Also if you try to check my Instagram I'm very sorry but it's not updated or with a lot of posts... It's a work in project for me so better to Tiktok me ;)

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