Jun 10, 2024

I'm back and thank you!


First at all I want to let you all know that i missed you all

Second.... I'm very sorry to not have posted since ages! 

The main reason for that is that I wanted to make so much stuff at the same time and wanted to get the level of other readers that I overwhelmed myself. Auto-Sabotage

Then life took care of making sure I will have no time to read or post or take care of my dear blog

So now I decided to come back and go at my rhythm and without any competition with people that don't even think of this

I will be posting more everywhere actually but also not only reviews or more personal ones. 

TBRs will happen and everytime a new book is added to my shelf I will keep you updated. 

I can't guarantee to post 3 times per week but I will try my best 

I wanted to thank you all for keeping checking my blog and hope my content will be better and you enjoy it. 

Don't be shy and let me know what you think should be nice to add here 
Don't be shy and give me books recs also!!! (even if I have 600+ books in waiting of reading)

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