Dec 6, 2021

Ink by S.J. Davis

Language: English
Formar: Kindle
Pages: 85
Genre: YA, Fantasy
Rating: 4 ⭐

Sparrow is involved in a serious car accident that claims the life of her mother. 
Right before dying, her mother’s last words involves a cryptic message involving ink, voices and someone that will help her with them. 
All the while, Sparrow start to hears voices and sees people in the shadows. These spirits are here to either harm her or help her and she’s unsure who is who through most of the story. She decide to move to Washington DC to live with her aunt and start over. 

I really liked the plot and loved the way how Davis work on the survival guilt, a very real and emotionally damaging aspect of life. The way Sparrow is dealing and struggling through her overpowering guilt made me keep reading this novella

The concept of the "White Buffalo" and the spirit guide was new for me in YA genre. 

Mateo was a very good character and I really liked how he became more "alive" while the danger was getting closer to Sparrow!
 The ink story was also a very good point and how the tattoo shop owner new the backstory of Sparrow family and the consequences if not correctly done. 
Regarding Winona I didn't understood who she was until the very end..... I was in that stage that I was trying to understand the full power of the ink.

The book was way to small for me! I wanted to see how Sparrow actually ended and how Layne was fixing the gasp to not be a native and also in Mateo will stay next to Sparrow... 

If another novella comes I will having it for sure!

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