Dec 12, 2021

Once Taken by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 2)

Language: French

Format: Paperback

Pages: 199

Genre: Thriller; Mystery 

Rating: 5

Women are being murdered in upstate New York, their bodies found mysteriously hanging in chains. With the FBI called in, given the bizarre nature of the murders—and the lack of any clues—there is only one agent they can turn to: Special Agent Riley Paige.

Riley, reeling from her last case, is reluctant to take on a new one, since she is still convinced a former serial killer is out there, stalking her. She knows, though, that her ability to enter a serial killer’s mind and her obsessive nature is what will be needed to crack this case, and she just can’t refuse—even if it will push her over the edge.

Riley’s search takes her deep into a killer’s deluded mind as it leads her to orphanages, mental hospitals, prisons, all in an effort to understand the depth of his psychosis. Realizing she is up against a true psychopath, she knows time is short before he strikes again. But with her own job on the line and her own family a target, and with her fragile psyche collapsing, it may all be too much for her—and too late.

I picked this book right after finishing the first one and decide to buy the full collection.... so now im waiting for it to continue this serie! 

My impression was this case of murder was less gore than the previous one. 

I didn't got that same vibe that was present in book 1 however I was very more interested about that former killer and about her relation with her daughter.

Until now and even if 5⭐ this is not one of my favorites of the serie...

Let's see book 3 😉

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