Dec 2, 2021

November Wrap up and December TBR


November ended and with it a couple of books was read with success. 

My November was not very productive since I didn't made a proper TBR but I read some good books.

Below see all the books and the rating. (if you click on the book name you will be sent to Goodreads and for the Book page)

I got stuck in the 3rd book and didn't find motivation for reading more! ๐Ÿ˜…

But now let's focus in the last monthly TBR!! 

So this time I made sure to have a schedule of reading so everything fit in time!

  1. Crave by Tracy Wolff
  2. Crush by Tracy Wolff
  3. Covet by Tracy Wolff
  4. Bug Out by Charlie Dalton
  5. Ink by S.J. Davis
  6. The Essencial of Evil by Rob Sinclair
  7. Once Hunted by Blake Pierce
  8. Once Pined by Blake Pierce
  9. Once Forsaken  by Blake Pierce
  10. Once Cold by Blake Pierce
  11. Once Stalked by Blake Pierce
  12. Once Lost by Blake Pierce
  13. A Map of Days by Ransom Riggs

Looks a lot but the true is that most of them can and will be read in 2 days max ๐Ÿ˜…

Wish me luck ๐Ÿ˜