Feb 2, 2022

Betting In Love by Mary Beesley


Language: English

Format: eBook

Pages: 262

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Rating: 3

"Tempest Swan is out for revenge. Billionaire Leonard Allred's software program has put her out of a job. She makes a bet with a friend that she'll get Leonard to take her on a date so she can get retribution, but a fortuitous accident with an adorable nerd might just derail her vengeance.

Leonard has reasons for hiding his identity from the public. It's worked well for him so far, until he starts falling for the honest and witty Tempest. But how can he destroy their budding romance by admitting he's actually the guy she hates?"

It's a good story really but it didn't hit me as expected ! (probably because is not one of my favorite genre)

Making a bet when you are drunk is not a good move at all but also it's the funniest one that comes like that.

I related with Tempest... the fact that it took long to admit the true is not easy to put behind.

And the family situation? WOW! I was all the time expecting they get along so I keep reading to find out how and when and believe me, for moments I though they will not get together at all or ruin the parents wedding.

It's a perfect book for Valentine day if you want to melt with the story 😊

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful story shared, keep writing, thank you.

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