Jan 18, 2023

Review - The Last House on Needless Street by Catriona Ward

5 in 5 Star Rating

Nothing is what it look like in the last house of Needle Street and if you think something is real maybe is not. 

Everything started with the case of the Missing Child 11 years ago and Ted was a suspect but nothing was found against him. He was just fitting into the profile of the raptor. Dee lost her baby sister that day and want to find the true by herself. Olivia have a mission that is to help Ted, Ted have problems and blackout during hours or days without remembering what happened or have done during that period and Lauren is... well a problematic teenager

It was not east to follow the events as I was finding "errors". At first I though about a a different timeline when it was Ted and Olivia but only at the end it was explained and I was hooked by the explanation! 

During the full read my mind was trying to understand the motives of Ted and the connection between him and the missing child. 

If you think he is connected well you are half correct! But not in the way you think he is. 

Twists one after the other will keep you hooked to the pages wanting to go the the center of the situation and solving the mystery of the missing child, Dee and Ted. 

It was 1am when I finished read and I can tell you that I jumped from my bed when all pieces started to fit together. 

I think my expression was like this after reading all the explanation of Ted to his new-to-be friend:

I can only says this without causing spoilers: The brain is a great machine capable of everything.

It was really something to read! And if you like thrillers and crime books with a challenge for you then pick up this book as it deserve your attention! 

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