Jan 10, 2023

Review - Next Door by Blake Pierce (series Chloe Fine book 1)


4 in 5 Stars 

This is my first read of 2023 and it was a Kindle one 

I'm familiar with Pierce writing and the genre she use in the books so I knew it will be a good book and a good start for 2023.

Blake have severals series of and this is the one of Chloe Fine (they are 6 books) 

Chloe Fine, intern of FBI Evidence Response Team, finds herself forced to confront her own dark past when her troubled twin sister needs her help and that happens when Chloe think that her life if perfect: engaged to the love of her life, moving back to her town, being closer to her sister and having the chance to start her carrier in the FBI.

As she begins to see the underside she finds herself haunted by her own demons and Danielle situation force her to deal with them. 

As this is the 1st book of a series it's kind of slow as you need to understand all the MC point and also the connections from past to present. 

I was about 30% of the book when something hit me about the twin sister: she admit to be paranoid, not liking to go outside, antisocial, need meds to control the moods.... and if we join the way she act sometimes my mind was screaming 2 words about Danielle: Depression or Bipolar

But you know it's not  hard to understand that she is depressive and worst: that Chloe only cope better the symptomes. 

What look like a passion crime turn out to be a most dark crime: a conspiracy one and all in the name of true love! Yes because it's a 17 years old secret love that started everything and want to end everything! 

At that point of the book I was processing all the information and trying to link the real killer

I knew that it was someone form the past life of Chloe and Danielle. 
The letters was a clear evidence that that person was not happy with Danielle and knew too much about her life! Plus! The last letter show that the person knew what happened in the party few hours before so it the name of the killer was there! 

The creepy fact about everything in that book was to see how manipulative the person was to make that conspiracy plan and that perfect towns are full of gossip

Not to mention how easy they point fingers....

Like it's in the book: "it’s sometimes better that we don’t understand why people kill"  and the reason of this one was pretty as the picture show

But I was more than happy to see that the red flags with Steven was not only for my mind but for real (happy because the actions in the book ended up making me be proud of Chloe) but since I know Pierce, I'm certain that if I pick up the volume 2 that I will hear more about that fiancĂ© and that I will not be happy with it 

As it was in Kindle you can find my highlights of the book HERE

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