Jan 31, 2022

February TBR + January Recap


First month of 2022 done and it was better than expected! How was yours? Did you manage to read something? ***important message at the end of the post ***

I planned to read 7 books this month and ended up with 11 (almost 12 but it's not complete and don't want to count it as finished) making my goal to be at 13% done and according with Goodreads, I'm 5 books ahead of the scheduled by them. 

So with this I'm hopping that in case of a reading slump coming that I will not feel bad! πŸ˜‚

One of this books was a surprise for me: an author actually asked me in DM if ok to read and review her book (hope it happens more and more since I really love this!)

So I've read all the book that was listed in the post of January TBR (click on the name to see post) with the exception of Crush by Tracy Wolff. I'm currently at 80% of the book and hope to finish it tonight or tomorrow morning. 

I also read 5 books that was not in the list: Riding High in April, The Seer of Serone, A Very Rossi Christmas, Sons of Ehll and Tracking Trouble

***click in book name to see review ***

I noticed that I forgot to publish the review of the 2 first books but do not worry! I will publish the reviews soon!

In January I published a total of 15 posts and 13 was book reviews! As explained in the post of January TBR, I opted to publish reviews of previous books read of some series as Riley Paige Mystery and Black Dagger Brotherhood. The reason of this is to make sure you, my readers, have access to the reviews of the full serie and not only from when I started this blog (in my mind it's seems fair). With that I want to you know that the same will keep happening in February for these 2 series πŸ˜‰

Now.... the famous and waited TBR:

  1. Covet by Tracy Wolff
  2. Once Buried (Riley Paige book 11) by Blake Pierce
  3. Once Bound (Riley Paige book 12) by Blake Pierce
  4. The Conference of Birds (Miss Peregrine book 5) by Ransom Riggs
  5. Deception Point by Dan Brown
  6. The Librarian by Christy Sloat (The Librarian Chronicles #1)
  7. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

I want to make a clear message for all of you: reading is not a competition! The fact that I've read 11 book don't make me better or worst reader than you... it only means that I've got more time to read than excepted from myself! If you have read 1 book in the full month congrats! If you have read 25 congrats and a big "how" but each one of us have a different life so don't feel bad or superior regarding the amount of books you read per month and please don't make it as a competition. Reading is to have fun and not to Stress! 😚

Jan 30, 2022

Tracking Trouble by Aldrea Alien


Language: English 

Format: ebook 


Genre: Dark Fantasy

Rating: 4

"Before a routine job brought him to the love of his life, Tracker's world had two facets: Hunting spellsters and entertaining strangers in his bed. There's no doubt he's good at both, even if only one is considered acceptable amongst the King's Hounds.
But there's something off about his current tasks. The spellsters he typically finds aren't usually this powerful or anywhere near as dangerous to a man untouchable by magic. It's as if someone is releasing them with an eye to weaken an already harried kingdom. Can he find out who before they run out of hounds?

Join this mess of an elven magic-hunter as he tries to uphold the code of the King's Hounds whilst struggling to unravel the truth"

Tracker is a Hound that hunts Spellsters for the King. He is part of the King's Guardians and Tracker is not only his name but also his function. He is also not human and very good looking. So good looking that he use is charm not only for fun but also to get some informations and he don't look if men or women or even the specie.... if they want him he will know and will not say no to the invitation.

As you turn the pages you will find sex scenes, gore scenes, lot of fights and also some trips to Tracker's past. 

It was an easy read even if some scenes are... hard to not get personally involved. 

Easy to follow the plot and also it have a part of mystery that made me wanted to know more about this guy and his full story as for who rules truly the kingdom.

I'm now waiting for the next book where I hope to have some answers regarding the guardians and Tracker future.

Jan 28, 2022

Hollow City by Ransom Riggs


Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 382

Genre: YA fantasy, mystery

Rating: 5

"This second novel begins in 1940, immediately after the first book ended. Having escaped Miss Peregrine’s island by the skin of their teeth, Jacob and his new friends must journey to London, the peculiar capital of the world. Along the way, they encounter new allies, a menagerie of peculiar animals, and other unexpected surprises."

Reading this book made me feel desperate for the kids! 

Passing a portal and entering into a war scenario is not an happy escape... Its so horrible that I wished they just come back from the same way (even if it was a very bad ideia!)

It was so sad to see that sister scene... 

But the best part was actually the animals! Was not excepting a talking dog or a sheep that have special wool.

This book was way better than the first one (probably because of the new characters and scenarios!)

Jan 27, 2022

The sons of Ehll by Peace More

Language: English

Format: Ebook

Pages: 116

Genre: Horror

Rating: 3⭐

In a small town called Ehll, an ordinary small town like some you might know of, or have heard of, a brutal crime takes place.

But first, it starts with her sons. They are men, ones who aren't so different from your brothers or your uncles or your fathers. They appear to be loving, because they are loving; they love God, family, and friends, and one could choose whichever order. They laugh and sing like kids when they had drank a few mugs of beer at Avi's Bar, and they are loyal to one another as they should be.

But one evening, news reach them about Avi Crespo's young daughter Abigail, and this turns this evening into one that they wouldn't forget for the rest of their lives. . . The beautiful evening turns evil.

First I want to thank the author to have contacted me and sent her book πŸ˜€

It's not horror in the point as Stephen King book but you get very uncomfortable in some parts of the book. 

For me it was very ok until I got that full racist part... 

Balor was automatically labeled as "trouble" and "bad" but I never thought that everyone in that town was so.... influential (I think is the best word to use)

To think that they will just follow a madman without even getting someone to all them back to reason was really as looking to a true story.

Well.. Evil is deep inside us and show in the worst moment.

But the worst part is that people of Ehll knew it was wrong and never "talked" about it...

It was a good plot and you will think about this the rest of the night and day. 

Jan 26, 2022

Once Pined by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 6)

Language: English

Format: Paperback

Pages: 265

Genre: Thriller and Mystery

Rating: 4

Men and women are turning up dead in the outskirts of Seattle, poisoned by a mysterious chemical. When a pattern is discovered and it becomes clear that a twisted serial killer is on the hunt, the FBI calls in their best asset: Special Agent Riley Paige. Riley is urged to return to the line of duty—but Riley, still reeling from the attacks on her family, is loath to return. Yet as bodies mount, and the murders become more inexplicable, Riley knows she has no choice.

The case takes Riley deep into the unsettling world of nursing homes, of hospitals, of drifting caretakers and psychotic patients. As Riley delves deeper into the mind of the murderer, she realizes she is hunting the most terrifying killer of all: one whose madness knows no depths—and yet who may just appear shockingly ordinary.

This one was not my favorite at all and probably i was due the fact that the killer is an "angel of death".

This subject is not one that I personally like the most but also this volume lost a star due the following points:

  1. Riley's private life it's a mess for sure and adding Jilly is not helping but her ex-husband coming back and acting as a new men? hum.... nop nop. Something fishy here!
  2. Hatcher (the fugitive) is always 1 step in front of Riley all the time and we have no clue how!

Probably it's me but this one was not as excepted... so.... let's move for book 7!

Jan 23, 2022

A very Rossi Christmas by Quinn Marlowe


Language: English

Format: Ebook

Pages: 80

Genre: Mafia Romance

Rating: 4⭐

WARNING: This story includes violence and mature sexual themes. If you’re triggered by guns, sex, rape, or murder, this isn’t the series for you. 

I really enjoyed this prequel and can't wait for "Her Romeo" coming out in February. 

Sloane and Joseph were secret best friends until they graduate. 

They never got a chance since they’re from opposing families. 

Her father is one of the biggest mob bosses in New York and his father is the other. Result? the families hate each other.

So when these two accidentally meet after a five year well you can expect feelings everywhere and out of control.

I loved dual POVs (if correctly done, you get into all characters without any problem or feeling lost). In tis novel it was a plus to know better Sloane and Rossi.

If you like Mafia Romance, it's a most real new serie.

If you like Romeo and Juliet forbidden love vibes, "touch her you'll die" trope, romance and some spice please feel free to get this book and pre-order the volume 1 πŸ˜‰

Jan 21, 2022

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs

Language: Portuguese 

Format: Paperback 

Pages: 334 

Genre: YA fantasy, mystery 

Rating: 4

"A mysterious island. An abandoned orphanage. A strange collection of very curious photographs. It all waits to be discovered in Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, an unforgettable novel that mixes fiction and photography in a thrilling reading experience. As our story opens, a horrific family tragedy sets sixteen-year-old Jacob journeying to a remote island off the coast of Wales, where he discovers the crumbling ruins of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. As Jacob explores its abandoned bedrooms and hallways, it becomes clear that the children were more than just peculiar. They may have been dangerous. They may have been quarantined on a deserted island for good reason. And somehow-impossible though it seems-they may still be alive. A spine-tingling fantasy illustrated with haunting vintage photography, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children will delight adults, teens, and anyone who relishes an adventure in the shadows."

Ok I've read this books in 2019 and after watching the film so if this review is kind of as a memory of the feeling I got while reading it (the same apply to book 2 and 3 of this serie)

I liked the book for sure and probably since I saw the movie first I got spoiler from myself and well... that happens a lot πŸ˜‚

The idea is great and it's really sweet to see how each kid protect each other even if I got a bad feeling for at least 1 kid. 

The peculiarity of each one is better explained in the book than in the movie and the best about this serie is that actually the author added the pictures where he got inspired for the book so even if the book is 300 pages you have a lot of them that are just pictures. 

Also how the chapters appear is quite appealing for young readers: it's literally 1 page saying "Chapter + number" in brown. I got that "pause effect" after each chapter. Also they are not big so you can go quickly into the reading. 

Jan 19, 2022

Once Hunted by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 5)

Language: French

Format: Paperback

Pages: 186

Genre: Thriller and Mystery

Rating: 5

A prison break from a maximum security prison. Frantic calls from the FBI. Special Agent Riley Paige’s worst nightmare has come true: a serial killer she put away years ago is loose.

And his main target is her.

Riley is used to being the one hunting, but for the first time, she finds herself—and her family—to be the ones being hunted. As the killer stalks her, he also begins a new rampage of kills, and Riley must stop him before it is too late—for the other victims, and for herself.

But this is no ordinary killer. He is too smart, and their game of cat-and-mouse too twisted, and he somehow manages to elude her and always stay one step ahead. Desperate to stop him, Riley realizes there is only one way: she must delve back into the past, into this killer’s twisted mind, his old cases, and re-learn what drives him. The only way to stop him, she realizes, is to face the darkness she thought she had left behind.

This one was just.... slower than the previous but equally good!

This time the professional and private life of Riley are tangled so hard hat is not way to escape to the killer plan.

The first pages was so good to read.... I have smiling when Joel's hand was crushed (that stupid boyfriend of April). After that chapter I was focused in the new killer 😈

I knew after a while that the detective the killer paid was to track April and make sure Riley will just loose it.... but having a 3rd element in that fight was surprising. I never expected that twist of events but somehow  I wanted that twist! 

Now I really want to know why Hatcher is acting like that.. hope in book 6 I have an answer!

Jan 17, 2022

Lover Eternal (Black Dagger Brotherhood Volume 2) by J. R. Ward


Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 434

Genre: fantasy

Rating: 5

"In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there’s a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Possessed by a deadly beast, Rhage is the most dangerous of the Black Dagger Brotherhood...

Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetite. He's the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses, and the most voracious lover-for inside him burns a ferocious curse cast by the Scribe Virgin.

Possessed by this dark side, Rhage fears the times when his inner dragon is unleashed, making him a danger to everyone around him. When Mary Luce is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world, she must rely on Rhage's protection. Knowing that Mary feels the same intense animal attraction, Rhage must make her his alone..."

This volume is about Rhage, one of the youngest Brothers.

He is a playboy, he act like one and it's all part of a mask... Knowing that he got more feelings than anyone else its just.... not real!

The best part of this book was the development of him and the relation with his sheilan Mary (irony of names....πŸ˜…)

To not mention that the guy is simply perfect and with the nickname "Hollywood". Serious?! You  can fall in love for him just after he give you a smile....

But he have a dark past and that make him more "human". Also I feel that no everything was told in this volume so probably more will come about him.

He is not my favorite Brother...... ;) Mine is still to come!

Jan 13, 2022

Once Lured by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 4)


Language: French

Format: Paperback

Pages: 228

Genre: Thriller and Mystery

Rating: 5

Women are turning up dead on a lone stretch of highway in Delaware. Some go missing for an inexplicable length of time, while others are turning up dead, their bodies left out for display in bizarre and mysterious ways. When a pattern is discovered, it becomes clear to the FBI that a twisted serial killer is on the hunt—luring girls in devious schemes—and that he won’t stop killing, ever.

The FBI, desperate to crack the case, urges Special Agent Riley Paige to take it on. But the brilliant Riley, still reeling from past cases, has finally found peace in her home life, and is determined to help her daughter April get back on her feet. Yet when the murders become too disturbing, too urgent—and when her former partner Bill implores her—Riley finally realizes she can’t say no.

Riley’s hunt leads her deep into the unsettling world of hitchhikers, of drifters, of women that no one else cares for. When she discovers that several women are being kept alive and that there is still time to save them, she realizes she will stop at nothing, obsessing over the case and driving herself to the brink. Yet Riley realizes her own life is falling apart, and her own fragile psyche can barely handle the strain. In a frantic race against time, she will have to plunge deep into the killer’s mind to save these women—and to save herself—from collapse.


So far this one was the PERFECT thriller of this serie!

The way the killer act, the way Blake Pierce actually make sure you didn't notice the true about the killer condition was simply perfect for me! 

It's gore not in the way you have a lot of blood or a carnage but in the way the victims are treated.

Also my gut instinct was right about that boyfriend but never thought it would go so far and that April was so... dumb? But also.... she is a teenager, she is fully in love and will do anything to Joel (that A****) be happy and with her.... 😱😱😱

So I hope Riley kill that guy and that April get out of that place but I need a break for this serie now... because im in shock with the end of this book πŸ˜“

Jan 12, 2022

Dark Lover (Volume 1 - Black Dagger Brotherhood) by J. R. Ward


Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 428

Genre: fantasy, paranormal romance

Rating: 5

"The only purebred vampire left on the planet and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who killed his parents centuries ago.

But when his most trusted fighter is killed -- orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate -- Wrath must put down his dagger and usher the beautiful female into another world.

Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn’t there before, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes to her at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of the Brotherhood and blood frighten her. Yet his touch ignites a dawning new hunger one that threatens to consume them both…"

I read this book for the first time in 2010 (with exactly 18 yo) and it was my first book with erotic scenes. 

I after re-read it a couple of times when new volumes was coming but the last time it was in 2017... so please be kind with me if I miss some important points in this or others volumes.

This is the 1st volume of an ongoing serie about sexy, dark and pretty deadly vampires.

Not all vampires are like them, the ones from the Black Dagger Brotherhood are warriors! 

They fight one enemy: the Lessening Society and The Omega 

And they don't drink blood from humans because vampire blood have the nutrients that they need to be strong and heal. And guess what? They eat normal food too (or human food) 😁

This volume it's about Wrath (the king of the race) and Beth (half-breed daughter of his former friend). 

What seems to be an help to better understand her future turns into a romance where hate give place to love and a lot of πŸ’¦ scenes. 

You don't have the action right in the first chapters no no no! You first need to dig the story of each MC first and after you will have more intense scenes so at first i was thinking "where are the fights?Where are the enemies?" and after I got it! 

This one I though for moments that was a standalone and will finish like that.... heartbroken and in shock. But it got a twist that save me from trying fandoms πŸ˜‚ 

I craved for more about that brotherhood and each volume talk about one of the Brothers

Jan 11, 2022

Sick Like Me by Mayghaen D'Urso


Language: English

Format: Ebook

Pages: 252

Genre: Romance Suspense

Rating: 4

"Amara Black was his.

His to look at.

His to touch.

His to destroy.

From the moment she became his patient, he knew she would be his seventh. Even if she didn’t fit his usual victim profile. There was something about her that drew him in; a lowly moth to her godly flame.

But when he makes his move, nothing goes according to plan.

There’s lust in her eyes where there should be fear. Calm where there should be panic. And before he knows it, she’s alive; untouched by all but the same madness that claimed him long ago.

Now, it’s only a matter of time before it consumes them both."

I keep liking this kind of books and plots and I'm not getting the "oh no" or "this is disturbing" 


I was not expected Amara be so cool and ok with Ezra and in a certain point I was more concerned that she will have a breakdown and go to the police...

I mean if it was with me I was like going to the police due his behavior! 😰

Well it seems that I was not wrong about the call, I was only wrong of when since I truly believed it will be before she got too involved!

Did I expected the end? Not like that! I was expecting rage, blood, screams,..... but not that end! 

Thanks for the author providing me this ARC!

Jan 9, 2022

Crave by Tracy Wolff


Language: English

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 592

Genre: Fantasy, YA, Romance

Rating: 4

The description is this one and yes.... it's look like Twilight 

"My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this place or the other students in it. Here I am, a mere mortal among gods…or monsters. I still can’t decide which of these warring factions I belong to, if I belong at all. I only know the one thing that unites them is their hatred of me.

Then there’s Jaxon Vega. A vampire with deadly secrets who hasn’t felt anything for a hundred years. But there’s something about him that calls to me, something broken in him that somehow fits with what’s broken in me.

Which could spell death for us all.

Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And now someone wants to wake a sleeping monster, and I’m wondering if I was brought here intentionally—as the bait."

Ok so I read the description and I says to myself "Nop.... not interested in a fan fiction" but in Tiktok some mutuals open a "war" about Crave and Twilight to check who is the best and guess what? I decide to join and be part of this... And now the review:

Its a very but very descriptive book.. you have a lot of text and a lot of information. I assume that I got very bored in the middle of the book since it was basically a lot of description of Grace days and how she feel but arriving to the 80% of the book the action was very but very better! 

Finally got the part about why she comes to Katmere and why is so dangerous for her. 

The book is not bad at all (and comparing to the first of Twilight I prefere Crave). Of course Grace is naive but also everyone is hiding something from her. 

The big diference is that in Crave I simply liked the interactions between the characters and I was tricked by some of them... but its part of the read. 

In Twilight I was just bored with all of them.... πŸ˜…

The second book will be one of my top reads of January so keep an eye πŸ˜‰

Jan 5, 2022

How was 2021 and Goals for 2022

2021 was better than excepted for me regarding my reading goals but if we gonna talk about my wallet and my shelves... let's says it was crazy! 
I joined a community that got tons of recommendations and helped me to read more than excepted!

Also I'm in Goodreads so it was very interesting to follow my progress and the one of my mutuals!

As you can see I've settled that in 2021 I will be reading 50 books and believe me, I was nervous to make it but in May it was already 70% done.
If I was to follow all my monthly TBR it will probably be 130 book (glade i just look at some books and said "next year" πŸ˜‚)

And it was a lot of pages!! 29.435 pages in total! 

But now let's talk about 2022 business πŸ˜›
This is my Goals:
  1. Read 85 books
  1. Be on a Book Buying Ban (BBB) until November (its my Birthday month so I'm allowed)
  2. Try to read out of my comfort zone (genres)
  3. Listen my audiobooks
  4. Not DNF books
Hard? Probably point 2 and 5 but.. its a Goal and it's settled πŸ˜„