Jan 9, 2022

Crave by Tracy Wolff


Language: English

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 592

Genre: Fantasy, YA, Romance

Rating: 4

The description is this one and yes.... it's look like Twilight 

"My whole world changed when I stepped inside the academy. Nothing is right about this place or the other students in it. Here I am, a mere mortal among gods…or monsters. I still can’t decide which of these warring factions I belong to, if I belong at all. I only know the one thing that unites them is their hatred of me.

Then there’s Jaxon Vega. A vampire with deadly secrets who hasn’t felt anything for a hundred years. But there’s something about him that calls to me, something broken in him that somehow fits with what’s broken in me.

Which could spell death for us all.

Because Jaxon walled himself off for a reason. And now someone wants to wake a sleeping monster, and I’m wondering if I was brought here intentionally—as the bait."

Ok so I read the description and I says to myself "Nop.... not interested in a fan fiction" but in Tiktok some mutuals open a "war" about Crave and Twilight to check who is the best and guess what? I decide to join and be part of this... And now the review:

Its a very but very descriptive book.. you have a lot of text and a lot of information. I assume that I got very bored in the middle of the book since it was basically a lot of description of Grace days and how she feel but arriving to the 80% of the book the action was very but very better! 

Finally got the part about why she comes to Katmere and why is so dangerous for her. 

The book is not bad at all (and comparing to the first of Twilight I prefere Crave). Of course Grace is naive but also everyone is hiding something from her. 

The big diference is that in Crave I simply liked the interactions between the characters and I was tricked by some of them... but its part of the read. 

In Twilight I was just bored with all of them.... 😅

The second book will be one of my top reads of January so keep an eye 😉

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