Jan 5, 2022

How was 2021 and Goals for 2022

2021 was better than excepted for me regarding my reading goals but if we gonna talk about my wallet and my shelves... let's says it was crazy! 
I joined a community that got tons of recommendations and helped me to read more than excepted!

Also I'm in Goodreads so it was very interesting to follow my progress and the one of my mutuals!

As you can see I've settled that in 2021 I will be reading 50 books and believe me, I was nervous to make it but in May it was already 70% done.
If I was to follow all my monthly TBR it will probably be 130 book (glade i just look at some books and said "next year" ๐Ÿ˜‚)

And it was a lot of pages!! 29.435 pages in total! 

But now let's talk about 2022 business ๐Ÿ˜›
This is my Goals:
  1. Read 85 books
  1. Be on a Book Buying Ban (BBB) until November (its my Birthday month so I'm allowed)
  2. Try to read out of my comfort zone (genres)
  3. Listen my audiobooks
  4. Not DNF books
Hard? Probably point 2 and 5 but.. its a Goal and it's settled ๐Ÿ˜„


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