Jan 30, 2022

Tracking Trouble by Aldrea Alien


Language: English 

Format: ebook 


Genre: Dark Fantasy

Rating: 4

"Before a routine job brought him to the love of his life, Tracker's world had two facets: Hunting spellsters and entertaining strangers in his bed. There's no doubt he's good at both, even if only one is considered acceptable amongst the King's Hounds.
But there's something off about his current tasks. The spellsters he typically finds aren't usually this powerful or anywhere near as dangerous to a man untouchable by magic. It's as if someone is releasing them with an eye to weaken an already harried kingdom. Can he find out who before they run out of hounds?

Join this mess of an elven magic-hunter as he tries to uphold the code of the King's Hounds whilst struggling to unravel the truth"

Tracker is a Hound that hunts Spellsters for the King. He is part of the King's Guardians and Tracker is not only his name but also his function. He is also not human and very good looking. So good looking that he use is charm not only for fun but also to get some informations and he don't look if men or women or even the specie.... if they want him he will know and will not say no to the invitation.

As you turn the pages you will find sex scenes, gore scenes, lot of fights and also some trips to Tracker's past. 

It was an easy read even if some scenes are... hard to not get personally involved. 

Easy to follow the plot and also it have a part of mystery that made me wanted to know more about this guy and his full story as for who rules truly the kingdom.

I'm now waiting for the next book where I hope to have some answers regarding the guardians and Tracker future.

1 comment:

  1. Informative and a worth article shared, keep writing, thank you.

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