Mar 12, 2022

Lover Revealed (Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 4) by J. R. Ward


Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 455

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Rating: 5

"Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature. A hard-living ex-homicide cop, he's the only human ever to be allowed in the inner circle of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And he wants to go even deeper into the vampire world—to engage in the turf war with the lessers. He's got nothing to lose. His heart belongs to a female vampire, an aristocratic beauty who's way out of his league. If he can't have Marissa, then at least he can fight side by side with the Brothers...

Fate curses him with the very thing he wants. When Butch sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire from the slayers, he falls prey to the darkest force in the war. Left for dead, he's found by a miracle, and the Brotherhood calls on Marissa to bring him back. But even her love may not be enough to save him."

Hum... Do I was expecting he had vampire relatives? Nop.... I was thinking of an exception and that he will be growing old and dye as normal human...

Did I expected his relation with V was almost crossing lines? Neither but it cross my mind to have a gay romance here

Did I excepted him to be a paw to Omega? no and hated that idea! He is a good guy!

Let's be clear here: Butch is really a good guy and if I was in that world, he will be the first guy I will come to ask help, secrecy and a hug. 

So while reading this book a got extremely linked to him and was unable to feel sad and frustrate with all the situation with Marissa.

Let's put it in a way of a big fan: if I was in the book, I will be the one punching him and acting as a sister screaming to him go and talk to the girl! :)

It's book 4 and I'm not tired of them! 

Let's go to book 5 (and be in love for my favorite vampire)

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