Mar 15, 2022

Lover Unbound (Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 5) by J. R. Ward


Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 502

Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal

Rating: 5

"The ruthless and brilliant brother Vishous possesses a destructive curse and a frightening ability to see the future. As a member of the Brotherhood, he has no interest in love or emotion, only the battle with the Lessening Society. But when a mortal injury puts him in the care of a human surgeon, Dr. Jane Whitcomb compels him to reveal his inner pain and taste true pleasure for the first time-until a destiny he didn't choose takes him into a future that does not include her."

I think I will be talking more about my crush than of the plot (ok I will talk a little of the plot) ๐Ÿ˜…

In book 1, Vishous appear and was fully described and he look like a very bad boy that will crush your heart: Bad attitude, love alcohol, tattoos, secrets and no intention in love or sex. 

So basically it's a close door for any women... but it's ok because I personally got more attracted.... 

So basically he have a bad and dark past (at this point I'm expecting this in all Brothers without exceptions...) And to not mention that probably his sex life is not for me.... at all... but I can try ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‡

All his history is envolve in a mystery way that only when you read the book you will understand his powers and attitude. 

At the moment I can see a big question: "can we read books without an order?" and the answer is "NO". And the reason is that all volumes are linked so if you skip volume 3 and 4 and want to read the 6 you will found your self lost in some timeline details as from when, why and how that happens. Even if it's mentioned in the volumes, you only have some informations and it can give you the wrong idea of the world.

To mention: J. R. Ward is still written them and she is in volume 21for this serie but we have others 4 linked to this serie. so keep an eye in the tag for all books regarding the Black Dagger Brotherhood. (To note I own 26 books from BDB including the legacy and the new Prison Camp books)

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