Mar 9, 2022

Once Bound by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 12)


Language: English

Format: Paperback

Pages: 222

Genre: Thriller and Mystery

Rating: 5

"Women are being found dead on train tracks across the country, forcing the FBI into a mad race against time to catch the serial killer.

FBI Special Agent Riley Paige may have finally met her match: a sadistic killer, binding victims to the tracks to be killed by incoming trains. A killer smart enough to evade capture across many states - and charming enough to go unseen. She soon learns it will require all of her faculties to enter into his sick mind - a mind which she unsure she wants to enter.

And all with a final twist that is so shocking, even Riley could not expect it"

The blurb last line was about the final twist and guess what.... I was not expecting it at all!!

It's actually a cruel way murder someone because you get several victims: the actual one who die and all the one how was unable to stop the train to avoid it.

It was really not easy to understand the mind of the killer and probably due the fact that the same struggle with that killer impulse. 

Now we have that Aunt Cora coming and actually being noisy... I see no good in this character and hope until book 17 she get a real punishment from Jenn, Riley and Bill!

Regarding the private life of Riley: Ryan is really..... uhmmm.... a stupid bastard 😅 No sympathy for that guy! 

I think Riley now understood and want to make better for all the family: be more present, be the mother Jilly need and make sure to support April in everything.  And it make me 😍 that she is fighting for Jilly and to be happy!

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