Mar 29, 2022

Once Missed by Blake Pierce (Riley Paige Book 16)


Language: English

Format: Paperback

Pages: 221

Genre: Thriller and Mystery

Rating: 4

"A serial killer is striking seemingly at random, first killing a man in his 50s, then a woman in her 50s. The only thing that links them is the lone souvenir he took: a dining chair.
What is the meaning? Are the murders random after all?
FBI Special Agent Riley Paige must fend off her own demons and her own dysfunctional family life as she races against time to enter the mind of a diabolical killer who is sure to strike again.
Will she stop him in time?"

You can't be mad over a killer that actually is under Survivor's Guilt Syndrome. 

It is wrong what he's done? yes of course but also he is not in his perfect mind.

It was looong to read this one but probably it was also because the crimes itself was taking longe to make a connection or to find a way to link everything to the killer. 

The last entry got me screaming YES! but after I was wondering: how it will end?

Need to read the last book to check this!

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