Apr 8, 2022

Chrysalis by Harrison Murphy


Language: English

Format: Ebook

Pages: 299

Genre: Si-Fi 

Rating: 5

"An implant with the potential to save humanity, but only if in the right hands.
The UK’s blood reserves vanish overnight.
The government’s response – make blood currency.
The stolen blood is sold by dealers seemingly controlled by a mysterious implant.
Ginley & Sara, two rival political journalists with opposing agendas cover the government’s handling of a country thrust into crisis.
As they find out more about the blood heist and the implant, the more they have to put their differences aside and work together to unravel a colossal conspiracy, risking their loved ones’ lives, and all that they’ve ever known, in the process"

Is really this Crime Organization alone and not working with the Government?

At the beginning I was thinking it will be easy to solve and point fingers but as soon as I got into the 50% of the book I knew that the MC will have a bad moment
Got a little confused why some parts was set of in the future but I made the link very fast and was hooked to the story!

As I reach the end I was totally in chock and I'm still processing the last 5% of this book

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