Apr 25, 2022

Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 8) by J. R. Ward

Language: Portuguese

Format: Paperback

Pages: 615

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Rating: 5

"John Matthew has come a long way since he was found living among humans, his vampire nature unknown to himself and to those around him. After he was taken in by the Brotherhood, no one could guess what his true history was- or his true identity. Indeed, the fallen Brother Darius has returned, but with a different face and a very different destiny. As a vicious personal vendetta takes John into the heart of the war, he will need to call up on both who he is now and who he once was in order to face off against evil incarnate.

Xhex, a symphath assassin, has long steeled herself against the attraction between her and John Matthew. Having already lost one lover to madness, she will not allow the male of worth to fall prey to the darkness of her twisted life. When fate intervenes, however, the two discover that love, like destiny, is inevitable between soul mates."

How to express that I was hoping all the time that they got an happy ending? 100% the time Xhex or John name was on the pages I was hoping they get along with their feelings and accept that it's possible to be happy even if everything i's against that!

Also the other couple of this book need a real conversation! Quinn and Blay... I already know that they have books about them only and I can't wait to reach it.

I mostly swear while reading since it was the best option that getting crazy about Lash and all the going on/off the action but it a good choice. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Oh and we have a new member to the story... Payne. And who is Payne and what she mean to the Brotherhood? Well I will need to read the next book to discover it ๐Ÿ˜‹

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