Apr 6, 2022

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover


Language: English

Format: Paperback

Pages: 359

Genre: Romance, Fiction

Rating: 5

"The Voss family is anything but normal. They live in a repurposed church, newly baptized Dollar Voss. The once cancer-stricken mother lives in the basement, the father is married to the mother’s former nurse, the little half-brother isn’t allowed to do or eat anything fun, and the eldest siblings are irritatingly perfect. Then, there’s Merit.
Merit Voss collects trophies she hasn’t earned and secrets her family forces her to keep. While browsing the local antiques shop for her next trophy, she finds Sagan. His wit and unapologetic idealism disarm and spark renewed life into her—until she discovers that he’s completely unavailable. Merit retreats deeper into herself, watching her family from the sidelines when she learns a secret that no trophy in the world can fix.
Fed up with the lies, Merit decides to shatter the happy family illusion that she’s never been a part of before leaving them behind for good. When her escape plan fails, Merit is forced to deal with the staggering consequences of telling the truth and losing the one boy she loves."

Such a lovely and deep story! 

I found myself getting very emotional and to be honest it was because I saw myself in Merit.

All the problems and the missing important things from her family and not knowing the true about her family was and still is very similar to me and my life. 

Depressions is really not easy to deal and most of the time you have no signs. seeing Merit not understand and believed in this only show that it was deep and it's a silent treat! 

Being depressed don't make you only see the worst in people or make you feel sad every single moment of your day. That's 1 part of the depression. The reality is that something you will smile, joke, hug someone or even be in love. It just that most of the time you feel alone, not worth it or simply you want to be in a bubble and see no one. 

That's depression and Colleen actually wrote it as it happened with me and if I was not aware of my state i will be screaming that Merit is just like me and getting aa meltdown.

It was my first Colleen Hoover book and I suffered while reading it. Do I go to pickup another book from her? Yes! 

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