Apr 4, 2022

March RECAP + April TBR


Well... We are already in April and the weather here is kind of bipolar: you freeze in the morning, almost want to go inside the fridge during the afternoon and at night is a combination of morning and afternoon. 

Regarding books and event related with them March was pretty cool! I got the invitation from 2 programs that want to help to promote books (one via Tweeter and the other one via Goodreads). 

Let me tell you guys that I love ARCs and help any author and for me is fantastic to know that both programs actually found me via the blog and my reviews (sometimes I feel that I don't write everything but it's hard to not leave spoilers)

With that I ended up reading 11 books and my 2022 goal is at 36% 

From the TBR posted on the March (here) I read all books books + 3 books that was not in the program:

  1. Glimpse, Memoir of a Serial Killer by Stephen B King
  2. Blue Eyed Dog by Christopher Taylor 
  3. The Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Finally I ended up the serie of Miss Peregrine and Riley Paige and all reviews are available here and here

I will now give priority to the Black Dagger Brotherhood serie to make sure until the end of the year all book are read and reviews done (it's a looong serie and each book have between 400 and 900 pages) but I needed to start another serie in the middle of this one 😆

And now the April TBR:

  1. The Priory of The Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (re-read)
  2. Lover Reborn by J. R. Ward
  3. All This Time by Mikki Daughtry and Rachael Lippincott
  4. The Gunslinger by Stephen King (The Dark Tower #1)
  5. The Drawing of the Tree by Stephen King (The Dark Tower #2)
  6. The Venus Virus by Camilla Voiez
  7. Christmas Hideaway by Wendy Davy

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