A Romeo and Juliette retelling but with Chinese mythology?
Sure it will not be a pick up from a store but since it was part of a Fairyloot box I gave a try
Also the cover is simply stunning!
I was pretty ready to DNF this book as soon as I saw the description BUT after a few pages I was not ready to leave that story like that...
Luna and Hunter was born in the same year, month and day and yet their lives are a complete opposite:
Hunter's family live in a constant state of fear due to one bad choice and they simply can't see the good in their oldest son.
Luna's family is the portrait of a perfect family and yes, you got it, they are proud of Luna in everything!
But both families have secrets and while the worlds of Luna and Hunter start to fall they can only focus on themself and on their love.
While I was reading it I was passing from a lovely moment to a very sad one in result of how both families put such pressure in the kids: Chang family want Luna to have the best of the best and Yee family keep putting all the frustration in Hunter but and their fear in Cody.
At the end, as soon as I finished the last page I knew it was a 5⭐ rating book!
You may thing that is not worth it as you have a lot of Chinese expressions but nothing that a translate can't solve and actually it's part of them and it's cultural so no cutting stars due to that for me!
A book full of magic with a mix of lovely and sad moments. Really beautiful to read!